Life got really hectic over the last few weeks. Unsurprisingly eating got out of control too. There is simply too much to record here about all that has happened food and fitness wise. So, I'll note a few key things:
Firstly, bootcamp is over. I completed five weeks at the rate of 2-3 days/week. Not bad. I raised the number of pushups I did in 2 minutes from 16 to 50. (I was driven to it by someone yelling over me. On my own, I'd probably do about 30). And I raised the number of squats in 2 minutes from 52 to 115. I love squats. Unlike pushups, they are delightful. Overall, bootcamp was a very unpleasant experience with some really good results - I feel like I have increased my upper-body strength. I haven't lost too many pounds in weight, but my arms have definitely toned down a bit.
Secondly, I overcompensated for the exercise I was doing by eating out of control. I went on a few binges and made not so healthy choices in food on a regular basis. There is not much more to say about this - a uniformly stupid and embarrassing thing really!
Thirdly, given all the crap I put into my body over the past two weeks, it is a good thing that I had resolved to do a detox this month. I had initially planned on doing a 3-day raw food detox. After some research, I decided not to do that, opting instead for a detox inspired by Dr. Gittleman's Fast Track Detox. This is a liver and colon detox that involves:
* A seven day prequel where I eat liver- and colon-friendly foods
* A day-long juice fast
* A three day sequel where I eat probiotic foods to enhance digestion
I am excited about this. I started today, and already feel cravings for "tasty stuff" which translate to sugar- and oil-laden things. GRR!!!
First, memorable pics from my hiatus...
Indian Taco at a fundraiser for the Native American Students. It was divine!
Starbucks coffee w. the date from hell. I cried after leaving.
Then I called my girlfriends and went to get tea and recap my shocking date story.
My first McDonald's meal in about 6 years. Fruit and Maple Oatmeal. This was surprisingly good.
Detox supplies for the week.
Unphotographed Orange Juice and Flaxseed Meal
LunchSalad - Mixed Greens, Tomato, Carrots, Strawberries, Mozzarella
w. Olive Oil and Orange Juice Vinaigrette
SnacksCashew Cookie Larabar - my favorite!
Walnuts and Tamarind Pistas - I ate a lot more than what was photographed
Strawberries, Kumquats
My new favorite - Rice cake w. Labneh & Chilli-Garlic in Oil
DinnerStir-fried Brocolette, Labneh
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