There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the winter cold away.

Last month, I completed most resolutions that were fun to do. The ones that were harder, I started, but gave up on. This March, I have work to do. I want to make good February's failed resolutions, and also add to my list accomplishing a few new ones.
1. Eat Well: This is an ongoing goal for me. I am going to attempt something new this month. I am Indian, and the food that most satisfies me is Indian food. I resolve this month to cook and eat only Indian food at home. I'll make exceptions for when I am eating out. I hope this will help in two ways - Firstly, I will cook more healthy food since very few Indian food ingredients are processed to any significant extent. Secondly, since I am more quickly satisfied with Indian food, perhaps I won't eat as much.
2. Exercise: After bootcamp class yesterday, I nearly quit. This bootcamp thingy is really hard. It is good to have a team to encourage me to do things, but I feel pushed a bit too much, it is not fun, and I end up feeling like my bad knee is dislocated. I have not decided whether I will continue in this class or not. If I do, I plan on enrolling in a low-impact exercise class. We'll see. For now, the 3x/week resolution stays. If I drop the class, I'll up it to 4x/week to make up for the difference in intensity.
3. Detox: I have been thinking of embarking on a raw-food cleanse. My goal is to rid my body of excess toxins, and to regulate my eating to a more natural pattern. I have been reading horror stories of all sorts of cleanses, and hope that mine won't be too bad. I have set aside three days over Spring break where I can stay home and cope with any physical and emotional unpleasantness that comes with the cleanse.
4. Self-Care: Like last month, this is a multi-part goal. (a) Take a day-trip to the Pacific Coast, (b) Give myself the accessory that I did not get last month, (c) Read at least one book - I love reading. I read thirty one books last year. But all this added exercise this year has taken away from my reading time. I hope to start again, (d) Socialize with friends, but do so only about once a week so that I am not overwhelmed, (e) Read a food/wellness/nutrition book.
5. Financial Goals: (a) Enroll for retirement benefits with my workplace. I have been here almost six months, and this month will be able to start putting money away for my retirement. The idea of it makes me feel all grown-up. My employer pays my share and matches it. I plan on keeping it at that, and using my own money to pay off my debts. Once that is done, I will add to the retirement fund. (b) Get my taxes done.
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