Day #2
BreakfastMoong Dosas, Mango Pickle, Blood Orange
LunchOil-Free Rice Noodles w. Veggies and Lemon Juice
DinnerBaked Lentil Crackers w. Tomato-Chilli Sauce
I made these crackers for snacks over the next few days. But they were so good, that I ended up eating them all - about 15 of them. The sauce had added sugar in it - not totally detox-compliant.
Sliced Cucumbers, Pecans, Pepperjack Cheese, Candied Ginger (more sugar)
Square Dance class
Day #3
BreakfastBlood Orange
LunchWalnuts, Unphotographed Salad
DinnerI went to watch The Fighter and snacked on a walnuts and raisins.
I also got an unphotographed carrot-apple-orange smoothie at the mall food court.
And finished the night up with another Larabar when I got home
Day #4
BreakfastBanana, Carrot, Blueberry, Almond Milk smoothie
SnackI went shopping and them watched The King's Speech. All along, I snacked on: Walnuts and Raisins.
Lunch-DinnerCarrot/Brocolette/Lentil/Rice Stew (I got a second helping after this)
Quarter Papaya
Three hour Contradance
Day #5
BreakfastCarrot, Apple, Banana, Ginger smoothie w. OJ
LunchSalad w. Greens, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Walnuts, Chickpeas, Mozzarella
TeaRoasted Green Tea, Walnuts, Raisins
Quarter Papaya, 1/2 Baked Sweet Potato
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Detoxing is Difficult
I was supposed to eat a few portions each of a bunch of different kinds of food (recommended by Fast Track Detox. Although I ate most of what was recommended, I did not eat all. I did a pretty good (although difficult) job of not giving into my cravings. I was supposed to avoid all sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and gluten. I did this also, for the most part - I had some roasted green tea, and some honey with a fruit-dessert.
I weighed in at WW and lost 0.2 lbs. Which is amazing given that I was not at all eating what I ought to have been eating. This brings my weight-loss over the past four and a half months to 7lbs. Not bad, but could have been better. I wanted to do the weigh-in today because at the end of the detox, I want to see how much this has helped with weight-loss. The main idea of the whole detox is to cleanse my system, but it wouldn't hurt to shed a few pounds. :-)
I also did something feel good. And something slightly feel-bad. The bad first - at a dance last week, I met a really nice man who was very friendly. He was handsome, charming, and had the most penetrating pair of eyes I have ever seen. I left with a mini-crush on him. I was at the post office today sending off some tax-stuff when he popped up again behind me, and said hello. After an initial fluster and a really heart-felt smile, I had the awful realization that I was wearing the exact same clothes that I was when I first met him. Now, this ought not to have been such a big deal. I am sure that most people wear their clothes again and again. But irrationally, I clammed up immediately, blurted out something really stupid, wished him goodbye, nearly forgot his name in the process and made a rush for my car. I was kicking myself later for this. I am a world-class idiot!
Now the good. Since I have only recently moved to Eugene, I am still in the process of finding the service providers I will regularly go to. I was referred to a wonderful local firm of mechanics by a friend. They don't advertise, and don't even have a sign above their garage. I did not understand why at first, and when asked, they said they had more than enough customers and are not looking for more unless they show up like me, having been referred to them. And I can understand why! They are wonderful - a group of five men who are personable, charming, and wonderful mechanics. They fixed my car beautifully, charged me a ridiculously cheap price, and three weeks later gave my car a free follow-up check. I offered to pay, but they wouldn't take it. I have never come across a mechanics' garage that does that for you. That was about 3 days ago. Slightly before noon today, I took them a box of gourmet chocolates to thank them. I was a bit apprehensive - I don't know that gourmet chocolates are the best gifts for a bunch of male mechanics. I ought not to have worried about stereotypes though - they were like a bunch of little boys - enthralled at the gift. They assured me that the chocolates would not see the other side of one o'clock. That made me smile all day long.
No gourmet chocolates for me. This is what I ate today:
BreakfastMooong Dosa w. Sambhar, Blood Orange, Unphotographed Orange Juice
LunchSalad w. Greens, Plum Tomatoes, Strawberries, Carrots, Mozzarella Cheese
Homemade Orange-Balsamic Dressing w. Olive Oil
Unphotographed Roasted Green Tea
DinnerA decidedly Asian Dinner -
Persian Sabzi Polo - leftover from Nowrūz celebrations
Indian Bottle Gourd Dal w. Tomatoes
Carrot/Green Onion/ Brocolette Stir-FryI made the Stir-Fry using the Bragg's Seasoning sent to me. Yum!
Banana w. Walnuts and Honey. I also had this after lunch (unphotographed).
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hiatus Recap
Life got really hectic over the last few weeks. Unsurprisingly eating got out of control too. There is simply too much to record here about all that has happened food and fitness wise. So, I'll note a few key things:
Firstly, bootcamp is over. I completed five weeks at the rate of 2-3 days/week. Not bad. I raised the number of pushups I did in 2 minutes from 16 to 50. (I was driven to it by someone yelling over me. On my own, I'd probably do about 30). And I raised the number of squats in 2 minutes from 52 to 115. I love squats. Unlike pushups, they are delightful. Overall, bootcamp was a very unpleasant experience with some really good results - I feel like I have increased my upper-body strength. I haven't lost too many pounds in weight, but my arms have definitely toned down a bit.
Secondly, I overcompensated for the exercise I was doing by eating out of control. I went on a few binges and made not so healthy choices in food on a regular basis. There is not much more to say about this - a uniformly stupid and embarrassing thing really!
Thirdly, given all the crap I put into my body over the past two weeks, it is a good thing that I had resolved to do a detox this month. I had initially planned on doing a 3-day raw food detox. After some research, I decided not to do that, opting instead for a detox inspired by Dr. Gittleman's Fast Track Detox. This is a liver and colon detox that involves:
* A seven day prequel where I eat liver- and colon-friendly foods
* A day-long juice fast
* A three day sequel where I eat probiotic foods to enhance digestion
I am excited about this. I started today, and already feel cravings for "tasty stuff" which translate to sugar- and oil-laden things. GRR!!!
First, memorable pics from my hiatus...
Indian Taco at a fundraiser for the Native American Students. It was divine!
Starbucks coffee w. the date from hell. I cried after leaving.
Then I called my girlfriends and went to get tea and recap my shocking date story.
My first McDonald's meal in about 6 years. Fruit and Maple Oatmeal. This was surprisingly good.
Detox supplies for the week.
Unphotographed Orange Juice and Flaxseed Meal
LunchSalad - Mixed Greens, Tomato, Carrots, Strawberries, Mozzarella
w. Olive Oil and Orange Juice Vinaigrette
SnacksCashew Cookie Larabar - my favorite!
Walnuts and Tamarind Pistas - I ate a lot more than what was photographed
Strawberries, Kumquats
My new favorite - Rice cake w. Labneh & Chilli-Garlic in Oil
DinnerStir-fried Brocolette, Labneh
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Bootcamp Bowling
One of the things I do not like about this bootcamp program is that there is a lot of emphasis on social gatherings outside of class. You are expected to go to some. And much as I appreciate the idea behind building a support system for each other within the class, I wish they would appreciate that some people (like me) dislike the idea of turning down five invitations a week. I am going to quit next month anyway - and this is not the smallest of the reasons why. Bowling was fun though!
I endeavored to start my "Indian month" today -
BreakfastMoong Dosas w. Sambhar; Blood Orange
LunchLemon Groundnut Rice (this is what I binged on last night)
Unphotographed Apple and Blood Orange
DinnerSo much for homemade Indian food!
Banana-Pear Bread w. Maple Syrup
Post-BowlingMedhu Vada, Blood Orange
Two and a Half Girl Scout Samoas
March, I Welcome You!
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the winter cold away.

Last month, I completed most resolutions that were fun to do. The ones that were harder, I started, but gave up on. This March, I have work to do. I want to make good February's failed resolutions, and also add to my list accomplishing a few new ones.
1. Eat Well: This is an ongoing goal for me. I am going to attempt something new this month. I am Indian, and the food that most satisfies me is Indian food. I resolve this month to cook and eat only Indian food at home. I'll make exceptions for when I am eating out. I hope this will help in two ways - Firstly, I will cook more healthy food since very few Indian food ingredients are processed to any significant extent. Secondly, since I am more quickly satisfied with Indian food, perhaps I won't eat as much.
2. Exercise: After bootcamp class yesterday, I nearly quit. This bootcamp thingy is really hard. It is good to have a team to encourage me to do things, but I feel pushed a bit too much, it is not fun, and I end up feeling like my bad knee is dislocated. I have not decided whether I will continue in this class or not. If I do, I plan on enrolling in a low-impact exercise class. We'll see. For now, the 3x/week resolution stays. If I drop the class, I'll up it to 4x/week to make up for the difference in intensity.
3. Detox: I have been thinking of embarking on a raw-food cleanse. My goal is to rid my body of excess toxins, and to regulate my eating to a more natural pattern. I have been reading horror stories of all sorts of cleanses, and hope that mine won't be too bad. I have set aside three days over Spring break where I can stay home and cope with any physical and emotional unpleasantness that comes with the cleanse.
4. Self-Care: Like last month, this is a multi-part goal. (a) Take a day-trip to the Pacific Coast, (b) Give myself the accessory that I did not get last month, (c) Read at least one book - I love reading. I read thirty one books last year. But all this added exercise this year has taken away from my reading time. I hope to start again, (d) Socialize with friends, but do so only about once a week so that I am not overwhelmed, (e) Read a food/wellness/nutrition book.
5. Financial Goals: (a) Enroll for retirement benefits with my workplace. I have been here almost six months, and this month will be able to start putting money away for my retirement. The idea of it makes me feel all grown-up. My employer pays my share and matches it. I plan on keeping it at that, and using my own money to pay off my debts. Once that is done, I will add to the retirement fund. (b) Get my taxes done.