Somewhere in his spiel, he also inserted the obligatory, "you will be eating differently and will look at food that you like now and only think of how many millions of calories it has, and will give it up". I am not a big fan of that sort of thinking. Food is wonderful and must be enjoyed. Turning a favorite food into a "hated food" is not my idea of a sustainable diet. Such food-attitudes can only come with guilt and shame - not very positive feelings to have. It is much more sensible to eat what you want to eat, and to exercise portion control.
Which is exactly what I did not do today. I had goat cheese on both lunch and dinner foods. And when it comes to goat cheese, no such thing as "portion control" exists in my realm of consciousness...
BreakfastMilky Tea; WW Flatbread w. SF Strawberry Preserves
LunchPesto Tofu, Forest Mushrooms and Goat Cheese Sandwich
Edamame. I did not eat the pear.
DinnerCaramelized Onion, Eggplant and Chevre Pizza.
I had three slices - one half of a small pizza.
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