1. Eat Well: I started out doing well on this resolution. Along the way somewhere, I stopped doing it. I have not been eating horribly or anything, but for the last week and a half, I have not been eating very mindfully. Nor have I kept up with the resolution about eating a fruit or vegetable with every meal.2. Exercise more: I did this. And I feel proud of myself. I did start up that bootcamp class I had signed up for. It has been an interesting experience - painful both physically and emotionally. I have a greater awareness of how out-of-shape I am, and have done some things in class that I did not know I could do. At the same time, I have been overwhelmed by the number of things I am doing and have taken a break from my folk-dance class for a month or so. I am not sure if I will renew my membership at the bootcamp, and once I decide that, I will decide what other exercise I want to do. I continue to do my contra-dancing and still love it.
3. Pamper myself more:
(a) Spending more time with friends - I threw myself into this one with a vengeance and about two and a half weeks in, got overwhelmed with everything I was doing and have cut back on socializing since then. I will resolve next month to go at this more slowly.
(b) Taking a mid-month vacation - Done! I went to Portland for the weekend.
(c) Buying myself a book - Done! I bought a collection of Wodehouse's stories.
(d) Give myself a pretty accessory - Did not do this. No idea why.
4. Read a Food/Exercise/Wellness Book: Done! I read The End of Overeating - a very interesting book about the American food industry and what drives us to overeat and what we can do to manage that. Very interesting!
Now the food:
BreakfastQuinoa Porridge w. Milk, Almond Milk and Maple Syrup
SnackWhat was advertised as a blood orange, but turned out to be
half-orange-half-blood orange.
LunchGreek Panini, Kettle Chips
SnackI remembered to take the pic only after I had half of this -
Coffee w. Creamer, Two slices of Marzipan Cake
I had a starch binge. I cooked white rice after a long time and made lemon-peanut rice. I then binged on it. White rice tastes delicious. Then I had two generous portions of SF Banana-Pear Cake w. Maple Syrup.
I conveniently "forgot" to photograph this.
Horrible Monday morning Bootcamp. The guy calls it "Active Dynamics", but it leaves me feeling that I want to be inactive and un-dynamic. Bear crawls, jumping, push ups, squats and blood tears.
I also went to my evening Square Dance class. Dancing is so much more fun than pushups.